Author: A. Balbach
Language: English
Publisher: Reformation Herald Publishing Association
Cover: Paperback
The purpose of this booklet is to answer questions from people who call us or write us with a desire to know why the SDA Reformers are divided.
Since such inquiries often come from our separated brethren, we wrote to the Leadership of the International Missionary Society, with present headquarters in Cedartown, GA, USA, on January 9, 2009. Our proposal, we said, is that we should come together at the GC level to discuss points of common interest that affect both corporations. One of these points is to see if we could prepare, together, an explanation about the existing division.
Until now we have received no reply from the GC office of the IMS brethren. Therefore, as we must answer more and more questions about the crisis and the split (1948-1952), we have decided not to wait any longer. The present booklet is a brief presentation of historical facts–and nothing but bare and true facts– as far as we can see them.
If the IMS leaders can find any incorrect statement in this publication, we will be thankful to them if they can show us the necessary evidence, and we will make the needed correction in the next edition.